Attending the Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI) Annual Conference in Portland October 3-6? Be sure to catch HMC’s Mary Morris for an educational session about designing for the common core.

CEFPI Annual Conference
Navigating a “C” Change: Designing for the Common Core
Saturday, October 4, 2014
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Led by Kathleen Moore, California Department of Education; Laura Knauss, AIA, LEED AP, CEFP Principal, Lionakis, Lionakis; Mary Morris, AIA, LEED BD+C, REFP, HMC Architects

What does Common Core mean to you as an educational facilities planner? Likely, you have more questions than answers. What would a learning environment that supports hands-on, project-based and technology rich activities look like? And how is that different than what you have now? And how do you get there given what you have now? How does technology integration and smarter balanced testing affect the types of spaces that make up a school? Where is the balance between the flexible and adaptable environments we envision as planners and the specific needs of real-world career technical education programs? How are small group spaces, facilitating language skill assessment and individualized intervention, developed as seamless parts of the learning environment? In an existing school, where do we start? Join us for lively breakout sessions regarding the facilities impact of Common Core implementation. We’ll learn from one another, share our ideas and work collaboratively to identify and propose solutions to the facilities barriers that may exist in our current school infrastructure and how the lessons learned from our new schools can be readily applied. We’re inspired about the potential of the Common Core for the future of our schools—let’s navigate these changes together!


// To understand what Common Core is and what it is not.
// To provide opportunities for breakouts to collaboratively discuss Common Core and implications for school design.
// To understand the opportunity in existing schools to reclaim, repurpose and renew facilities.
// To learn/discuss how we expect common core might affect the kinds of activities students and teachers engage in during the school day and how those new activities might be better supported by the facilities in which they take place.

For more information about this presentation, contact Mary Morris.