ArchitypeReview published HMC’s Kaohsiung Port and Cruise Service Center. HMC was one of five finalists for the Kaohsiung Port and Cruise Service Center International Competition in 2010. The proposal envisions an iconic gateway to the City of Kaohsiung, and a lens into the outer-world visualized from within. It creates a new urban datum—an inviting gesture—to allow a new connection between visitors, citizens, and the City of Kaohsiung. This gateway is designed to serve as a physical and economical impetus to the City’s goal of transforming its waterfront from its industrial past into an inviting future.  Kaohsiung Port Project Profile >>

ArchitypeReview also interviewed the project’s design principal, Raymond Pan, AIA, LEED AP. In the Designer Dialogue, Raymond discusses the challenges of the project and how it expanded his role as an architect and designer.  Designer Dialogues with Raymond Pan >>

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