Job Captain Marta Garcia-Sardinas has achieved a significant professional milestone and is now a licensed architect.

For Marta, it was important to get her license and complete the last link from her education to the working profession, and finally legally call herself an architect. She says, “I knew it was going to be challenging, and I wanted to prove to myself that I could accomplish this even while working full time and teaching part time.”

Since joining HMC, Marta has been on the design team of some of the firm’s largest higher education projects including the Cuyamaca College Student Services & Administration Building. “I had the opportunity to observe the Cuyamaca Student Services Building being built and learn so much about the process from site walks with Amy Karn and Matt Mori,” she said. “I’m hoping these lessons will translate into my next project that just received DSA Approval, Palomar College’s Fallbrook Student Resources and Learning Center, which will begin construction in Fall 2024.” This is a special project for her since her first HMC project five years ago was the initial Fallbrook Education Center which heavily influenced the new Student Resources and Learning Center.

Congratulations Marta!