Arturo Levenfeld, designer for HMC Architects, knew at an early age that architecture was his calling. After admiring a non-descriptive building in Madrid, he realized that individuals are responsible for the appearance and shape of our living environment—and that’s what ignited his passion for design. Working out of HMC’s Sacramento studio, we caught up with Arturo to find out what excites, inspires, and motivates him.

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What are you currently working on at HMC?

Current Projects:

St. Francis High School Library and Student Center
Martin Luther King Medical Office Building

Recently Completed:

St. Francis High School Theatre
Los Rios Community College Cafeteria and Bookstore Expansion
Los Rios Community College District, Folsom Lake College Science Building and Student Service addition FPP

How do you stretch your design wings?

In 2009, I teamed up with Saxon Siggerson to compete in the AIA’s Design Ideas Competition. The challenge was to design a home following the same original program as the Rachel Raymond House designed by her sister, Eleanor Raymond, FAIA. After a couple phenomenal weekends working on the design, our project (House 5) was one of four winners and we were invited to attend the design conference in Boston. The experience was fantastic, and the perfect opportunity to meet with designers from all over the country.

We heard a rumor that you also teach?

Beyond my work at HMC, I teach Architecture Design and Communication at Cosumnes River College. For me, it’s worth the time sacrifice to play a small role in the education of the next generation of architects. Young minds inspire me and are a constant reminder of how I ended up where I am today. Teaching makes anyone a better architect, and I encourage everyone to take the opportunity to teach, inspire, and be inspired.

Architecture and beer? Not a bad combination…

For the past seven years, I have been participating in the “Architecture and Beer” design discussion. A group of architects in Sacramento meet up every few weeks to share ideas over a few drinks. Nothing fancy, but it challenges me to think and explore ideas while enjoying a Stella Artois. Aside from that discussion, I organize “Design Matters,” a more regular event that brings together local designers for conversation. I’m also active in my local AIA chapter in a few committees, which keeps me in touch with the professional community.

Any hobbies?

I have a lot of hobbies that I never have the time for—hiking, running, golfing, scuba diving, camping—and if any of these include my wife and two sons, I am in heaven!